Sunday, September 20, 2009

Funny Chickens!

Funny, chickens have more right on the road than homo sapiens.

Run down a chicken in a kampung, you must pay $. Otherwise, the whole kampung comes after you.

Homo sapiens cannot poo on the road. Chickens can. Homo sapiens even collect chicken poos and sell for $. As for their own poos, homo sapiens pay a lot of $ to get rid of 'em.

Chickens converse with their owners, albeit it's only "pok pok pok". They "pok" at the right places, and even tilt their heads to match the mood - owners have sworn to me.

An owner who decides his rooster is never destined for the pot reported his feathery pet became so affectionate that it "pok pok pok" at him at bedtime - meaning it wants him to pick it up to its roosting place.

o___________________O Huh!

Coming to think of it, my old man always talks to his chickens in the mornings. They ended up most deliciously in the pot, I swear it's better than Hyatt Hotel Kota Kinabalu.

Going back to chicken poo. It has another function apart from being errr natural fertilizer. It dramatically magnifies explosive effects of a small fire-cracker.

Plant one stick of small fire-cracker on a pile of chicken poo, preferably fresh. Next, agility of stunt man required to ignite the fire cracker and immediately place an empty milk can over it.





funny chicken pictures courtesy of lol

Oh...funny...chickens are said to wake up folks in the mornings. They should really stop producing those stupid pictures of roosters crowing as the sun rises.

Anyone who keeps a rooster knows the darn thing always crows before the sun rises and siesta time. For goodness sake just tell the kids the rooster is not an alarm clock. Like all the male farm animals, it's a stud!

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