Saturday, November 29, 2008

Kundasang Holiday 3 : Mulberry and Rosemary in Mesilau

Chris joked that we were in Switzerland. I think suakus who have never seen Kinabalu will buy this story. Never get tired of the fluffy clouds so near my hands could almost reach them, my first ever visit to Mesilau!

As we drove leisurely upwards, we saw this fruit which resembles strawberry all along the way. This 'Strawberry' doesn't touch the ground, it grows on a small tree. Chris asked me to pluck some and taste 'em, kind of soggy and sourish. They have real strawberries here which taste more delicious than this impostor. ._.

Even the inside resembles strawberry.

There's a family here who has mulberry trees at their backyard. The mother had plucked a bag for me so there's no more ripe ones left on the tree. Ha ha. She also gave me the few strawberries they had that day which were delicious awww. Too bad it wasn't mulberry season coz the mulberries are too sour to be eaten raw, usually we blender the fruits and make drinks. I asked one of the children to stand in front so that suakus who have never seen mulberry tree including me, can get an idea on the height and size.

A friend of mine used the mulberry leaves to make tea to rinse his eye. One day , a white object fell out from one of his eye! People tell me mulberry leaves are good for the bones and eyes. So naturally the sweet lady owner also gave me some of the leaves.

There's also a few rows of fresh rosemary plants in the yard.

Man, they are so easy to grow in Kundasang and supermarkets here sold them for like close to ten ringgit for a few leaves. She's trying to grow more to sell and I wish all success to her. Wow! Next time can bring some lamb legs from Tong Hing to BBQ with these free garden herbs, yum. Can't stay long though, the mosquitoes see to that I vacate a.s.a.p.

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