Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Messages for the Disposable

I would like to confess a little sin.

It is impossible for me to follow every thing in the chat room. So usually I leave my Yahoo Messenger on while I attend to the household chores and the pepetually mountain high paper work. When I have a break in between, I read the collected messages.

I like to experiment logging in with different nicknames to compare the different responses. So these are the overall results:

Logging in with a masculine nick name such as Andrea - minimum or no private messages. Usually from gays and spammers. Pretty useful when I am not in a mood to participate in the chat.

Logging in with a feminine nick name such as suzzzy - overwhelming responses but soon I become bored with these expressions:

" ciao bella" ( beautiful ),"bellissima" ( very beautiful ),"sei stupenda" ( you are awesome )

"Posso vederti?" ( Can I see you?)

"Ciaoo...ti va di fare qualcosa in cam o al cellulare con me..??" ( want to do something in the webcam or over the cellphone with me?)

"ciao, se non disturbo, mi concedi il piacere di conversare con te?" ( Hi ...If I do not disturb, do you grant me the pleasure to converse with you?)

"e quando ti vedo tutta bagnata?" ( and when do I see you all wet?)

When I log in with " Da Gettare" ( Disposable), there are always suprises :

"mi chiedo se ne esiste una coraggiosa.... " ( I ask myself if a courageous one exists )

"ti si recicla?" ( Are you recycled?)

"ciao ti raccolgo io" ( Hi I pick you up )

"Se chattiamo ti SPOSO. Lo giuro!" ( If we chat I marry you. I swear it!)

Here are my personal favourites in random order:

"tok tok!!! è permesso? giuro che non sono un testimone di geova!!!!" ( Tok tok!!! Is it allowed? I swear that I am not one of Jehovah's Witnesses )

"ok... ma togliti quella buccia di patata dalla faccia e quella foglia di insalat dalla testa prima di baciarmi." ( ok...but you take off this potata skin from the face and this salad leaf from the head before kissing me.)

"Voglio una donna asiatica!!! carina , dolce , capelli neri e lunghi, magrolina , pelle olivastra e morbida!!!! me lo sono messo in testa!!! Ho deciso che questo sarà il mio gusto di donna!!!" ( I want an asian woman !!! pretty, sweet, long and dark hair, very skinny, olive skin and delicate !!! These are put into my head !!! I have decided that will be my taste for a woman )

Can you see now why Da Gettare is my favourite nick name?

End of confession. Amen.

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